Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Time Flies When Was I Saying?

If there is one thing I haven't been doing very much of lately, it is blogging. Well, I guess that is pretty obvious by the lack of posts that have been put on my blog between this one and the previous one.

Why? My brain has not been working at all. It's kinda like a jelly fish floating around in a sea of...of...uh...what was I thinking about again? Oh yes, cake. I could go for some cake.

Spending everyday with our one year old son does seem to be having that effect on me. I can no longer communicate with adults. I can only talk using one word sentences...and one word doesn't even make a sentence. And sometimes that word doesn't even sound like a word. But, somehow, it has become a word to me because my son, who also uses these words, has convinced me that they are indeed words.

Given that, it's time to get back into writing to help me remember that, yes, there are actual, full length sentences and more than grunts, squeals, and whines to our language.

Don't get me wrong. I do take time when my wife is home to go out and do some exploring in our new and exciting land. However, much of it is spent in the desert, where I end up seeing, and communicating with camels using much the same language as with my son, or in solitude along the shores of the Gulf, where, again, the birds that make their home there sound an awful lot like a one year old.

So, with all of this said, I am turning over a new leaf, as they say, and getting back into writing words down to try and get my "jelly fish-fied" brain back on track...back working!

If you don't see another post for a while, you'll know it didn't quite work as planned.